- Provided By: Pastor Jannet Hopewell
- Course Availability: All Year Round
- Designed For: Women & Girls
- Book Resources: Bookstore On Amazon

The Becoming Greater hospitality course offers selected women a chance to retart life by being offered practical training, personal development and hands on hospitality experience in selected areas of the hospitality industry with the aim of securing employment or starting their own business COURSE AIM
This course is also aimed at giving women encouragement to discover their Value, Identity, Purpose (VIP) in life. The course is designed to help women find their purpose in life and to make career decisions and prepare for taking bold steps in those career choices or employment preparedness. Graduates are empowered to engage in helping other women to also discover their own VIP and break glass ceilings.
BIBLICAL BASISBecoming Greater - Is built on the foundation of God's word in 1 John 4v4, to help women & girls develop innergreatness in who God created them to be, to take control of their gifted abilities and achieve their potentials! WE DO THIS IN 12 STEPS
1. We empower women & girls with Biblical wisdom and encouragement.
2. We equip women & girls with practical training.
3. With helping women recognise their VALUE.
4. With helping women know their IDENTITY.
5. With helping women understand their PURPOSE.
6. With helping women understand TEAM BUILDING.
7. Equipping women with COMMUNICATION skills.
8. CONFLICT resolution & management.
9. STRESS management.
10. TIME management.
11. GOAL setting.
12. CAREER CONSULTATION MODULE [OPTIONAL] - Includes Resume writing & interviewing skills, Performance appraisal improvement, professional development, business readiness & personal grooming sessions where possible - Such as Hair, nail, facial, women hygiene, clothing wardrobe readiness for work, etc. AUDIO-VISUAL
Student will have access to various AUDIO-VISUAL materials and resources to help them grasp the essense of the course. Pre-recorded teaching sessions are made available for students, dealing with each area/topics within each module.
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIPSThis is an interal part of the course which gives the student the opportunity to attend a practical internship in a chosen or selected field, profession or career where they can apply the lessons learned at work. This helps to builds confidence, people interaction skills in the work place and readies the student for challenges awaiting in the world out there.
Dundee, Scotland campus based option - September 2022.
Distance learning & Online Sessions - Avaiilable from September, 2021.
Online face-2-Face/Online practical sessions as applicable - vaiilable from September, 2021. COURSE TEXBOOK
Becoming Greater - Elevating Women & Girls Course book.
Becoming Greater Hospitality Training Manual.
Career Counseling is offered as an optional part of the course.
Start Time: 10:00am FEES/CHARGES:
Tuiton Fee: FREE on all courses
Course Admin Fee Per Course: £100/ €125/$145 USD
All administration fees are due payable on erollment.
Accommodation fee (in Dundee, Scotland): TBA.
Theory: 60%
Practical: 40%
Passmark: 75% & Above.
Ordinary Certificate of completion are issued to all participants/students upon completion of each course and having satisfactorilly met all the specified course requirements. All examinations, report and assignments must be submitted to the examiner's office. Certifcates are issued upon completion.
MENTOR ASSIGNMENTEach student is assigned a course moderator or mentor who will guide, direct, support and assist students in their course work. The mentor will offer support via email or via other available media format at the mutual convenience of the student & mentor.
COURSE PARTNERSCourses are offered in partnership with other Christian & private educational resource providers & establishments.
Partner ministries members using our course model all use the same content & materials.
All our course content are copyright restricted.
Students must be over 16 years of age. Must be literate and have a sound understanding of the English language for ease of tutorial support.