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Ephesians 4v23: "Be made new in the attitude of your minds."
Psalm 24 v1-2
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters."
Genesis 2:15
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
Genesis 2:9(a)
"The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food."
"Coming together in a group helps to encourage us in the stillness of His presence for change!".
- Renew Focus: Renewing The Earth
- Approach: Practical & Bible Based
- Participation: Everyone/Global
- Lead Advocate: Joseph & Jannet Hopewell
What is the RENEW EARTH Campaign?
THE RENEW EARTH is one of the key signature ministries of Jannet Hopewell Ministries.
There is no doubt that nature is one of God's most beautiful creations and precious gift to mankind. Through nature God is able to speak to us,
awaken us, touch us, and provide for us abundantly. For God so loved the world, He gave us the earth to sustain us and for us to inherit.
As a result He directs us through the scriptures that we are called to protect the EARTH and to care for it.
Bible verse after verse speaks to us of our assigment, obligation and responsibility to value, appreciate, tend and bless the earth.
We are invited to be good stewards of the earth. We are called to be guardians of the EARTH! All of us!
What is the RENEW EARTH meassage?
The RENEW EARTH message is aimed at all believers & church leadership.
It is mainly designed for God's disciples, church Elders, Leaders, Pastors, missionaries & ministers of the Godspel of Jesus Christ.
It is designed to awaken the church to take charge and play a leading role in RENEWING the earth. The Renew Earth Summit is never a preaching session, it is not
a church conference or a social gathering. It is a reality check summit for awakening the church from her complacency and to galvernise her to
take a leading role in healing the earth through practical & prayerful action. The summit is designed to edify, educate and galvanise the faithful and to
spur the church to take her place in renewing the earth for the coming of our Lord and Saviour.
What is the RENEW EARTH Campaign?
The RENEW EARTH campaign is one of the key signature ministries of Jannet Hopewell Ministries.
There is no doubt that nature is one of God's most beautiful creations and precious gift to mankind. Through nature God is able to speak to us,
awaken us, touch us and provide for us abundantly. For God so loved the world, He gave us the earth to sustain us and for us to inherit.
As a result He directs us through the scriptures that we are called to protect the EARTH and to take care of it.
Bible verse after Bible verse speaks to us of our assigment, obligation and responsibility to value, appreciate, tend and bless the earth.
We are invited to be good stewards of the earth. We are called to be guardians of the EARTH! All of us!
Changed Earth
The earth we have today is different from the original beautiful one we were given at the beginning of time. The original earth was
beautiful, fresh, raw, unspoilt, scenic, lovely, richly forrested, well eco-balanced and the ideal paradise. However, today we have polluted
the earth, plundered it, bled it, ravaged it, robbed it, tapped it, punctured it, scotched it, deforrested it and mismanaged the earth. We are
a ferocious specie with a forrocious appetite to consume, plunder and exploit the earth to our peril. The earth is dying from our pollution, the
land is sick from our unabated chemical and biological attack against it. The earth is crying out for mercy!
Our plunder mentality
The animals, wild life and livestock have been plundered, over hunted, over consumed and displaced from their natural habitat. We kill animals
and wildlife at will. Many speacies of animals are extinct or hunted to near extinction. We are costing the earth its natural resources. We go to
war and kill millions of people over the natural resources beneath eachother's feet. We are often audacious, callous and unyielding in our zeal to plunder the
earth. Sadly, we have not listened to God or man. We have all collectively walked blindly into darkness over our treatment of the earth that
sustains us.
Polluted Earth
There are over eight billions of us on the earth today, comsuming from it daily, being fed by the earth daily and reliably watered by it.
Yet, we have poisoned the earth. Our soil is contaminated. Our oceans are polluted with plastic, crude oil spills and chemical waste.
So, the seafood we harvest from our oceans, rivers & seas are also polluted. We harvest, buy, process, store & regularly eat contaminated food, meats, fruits & vegetables every single day.
The Earth (Our soil) is overflowing with dangerous chemicals, toxic wastes and other poisonous commercial & industrial contaminants.
Humanity has collectively & consciously settled for less. We have willingly neglected our dietary & nutritional responsibilities,
thrown away our mindfulness and rejected the practical application of the living word of God to our own ruin. Now, mankind is ravaged by cancer and numerous other
diseases with new ones popping up every other day to our shame and continued horror.
Surely, we can all now hear all the alarm bells ringing all around us because the earth is dying slowly around us.
About Earth's Pollution - Isaiah 24v4-5 "What God says about the earth: The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the heavens languish with the earth. The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant."
About The Land's Rest:
Jeremiah 2:7 (ESV) "And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination."
Isaiah 24:4-6 ESV) "The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and withers; the highest people of the earth languish.
The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left.
About Earth's Pollution: - Jeremiah 3v9
"Because she took her whoredom lightly, she polluted the land, committing adultery with stone and tree."
Exodus 23v10-11 "For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, 11 but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused."
About the animals - Job 2v21 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you."
About Trees/Forrest: - Deuteronomy 20v19 "When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?"
About The Flock: - Ezekiel 34v2-3 " This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? "
About The Sea/Oceans: - Psalm 104 v24-25 "How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number - living things both large and small."
About The Sea: - Isaiah 24v4-5 "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
Taking Dominion:
The Bible asks in Psalm 8v4-8: "What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas."
Whats is man indeed? So much was put under our
care and what have we done with this stewardship? What can we boast to have done to the air, sea, land, forrest, seas, rivers & oceans to improve their quality since
we arrived on the planet? How much tender loving care have we applied to the earth? - Not much at all to be fair! Instead we have depleted the earth and maltreated it.
It is time to stop and reflect! It is certainly time for change.
Ruling over the earth:
It is time to take a responsbile dominion as stated in Genesis 1v26, in which God said:" Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky,
over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
God made us the ruler over the earth and over all His creation and what have we done with our rulership? Have the birds, livestock, wild animals, sealife, rivers, seas, oceans and the very soil we live off been thriving under us or have they been raped, pillaged, plundered and rendered obsolete? We ought to cry when we consider the degree of harm we have caused the EARTH to date. There is great doubt that our children and the future generation will inherit a healthy and beautiful earth from us. So, what are we all going to do about it? Talk is cheap as they say - right?
Earth Dominion Management:Practical/Common sense steps of action:
Let us begin to take responsibility as the creator commanded us in the book of Genesis. You can start today by: 1. Start cutting down your carbon footprints and help preserve the atmosphere and the ozone layer.
2. Do everything in your power to protect the earth from further global warming & its consequences.
3. Take steps to encourage your own family, neighbours, friends and church community to become eco-aware and eco-pragmatic.
4. Cut down on the amount of plastic you use and dispose then off responsbily because they end up in our oceans harming sealife.
5. Lobby governments to stop senseless & irresponsble logging and massive deforestation going on globally.
6. Decide to become eco-conscious and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle in order to preserve the earth.
7. Become environmentally friendly simply by making lifestyle choices that are better for the environment & for humanity.
8. Conserving water, drive less and walking more.
9. Consume less energy, buy recycled products and eat locally grown fruits and vegetables.
10. Start or join environmental groups combating air pollution and water pollution. 11. Create less waste & help to plant more trees to renew the earth.
12. Practice conservation and choose a green living lifestyle.
13. Ensure all hazardous chemicals like paint, oil, ammonia and other chemical solutions are disposed off responsibly.
14. Consider composting. It is an easy process that takes remains of plants and kitchen waste and converts it into rich nutrient food for your plants. This helps them grow and it reduces the amount of garbage that goes to the landfills which pollutes the air around us.
15. Adopt this mantra: 'Reduce, Reuse & Recycle'.
16. Litter: Stop littering! Etc.
17. Encourage all your church members and denomination to take the same steps of action daily - Remembering that the church is called to lead. After all Jesus said; We are the light of the world or are we not? Protect Wildlife: Human activity is leading to the extinction of endangered species and habitats. We need to protect places like rivers, seas, oceans, beaches and forests that are habitat for animals. Hence, you should join hands with others to protect animal habitat. God expects the church to take a lead in this.
Renew Earth groups?
Why not consider forming or joining a RENEW EARTH group today in your church that focuses on what God wants for the planet?
Why not Come together with like minded eco-conscious friends & churches to form your own unique group?
You can find different environmental groups in your town/city & you can join them to help protect the earth and save the environment.
You can meet regularly & frequently to discuss ways and methods by whih you can collectively renew the earth.
You can/must pray together for God to heal the earth & to change the heart of the humanity a whole.
You can engage together in a healthy living and friendly lifetsyle.
You can engage in Bible studies often & grow spiritually whilst learning to see the earth from God's Biblical perspective.
You can pray together for God to inluence the heart of governments to bring about a positive global eco-change.
Your group can set up an advocacy movement for better campaigning for a healthier environment.
Your group can go to churches & local schools to educate them about the EARTH and help them set up their own Earth awareness programs.
Be open! Let your RENEW EARTH group practice Openness, honesty of intent & purpose and transparency within the group to the glory of God.
Be are willing to LOVE one another and to walk in LOVE and work together under God to RENEW & HEAL the world. [John 15v15-16]
Renew Essential Truth:
It is essential for every RENEW Group to keep growing in their relationship with the Lord Jesus, as He is the Way, the Truth & The Life. (John 14v6-8) Who can set up a RENEW EARTH group?
1. Anyone aged 16 and above. (Under sixteen must have an adult supervising them)
2. Renew Earth groups can be started and led by any committed & matured adult. (Male or female)
3. Groups should consist of a minimum of at least two or more people.
4. Groups can be formed from anywhere in the world, including at workplaces, church, schools, universities or in remote villages, etc.
Urgent Call To Action:
The Bible says, in all you get; "Get understanding!" (Proverbs 4v5) God also points out in the Bible saying: "My people perish for lack of understanding..." (Hosea 4v6) So, we ask; What new choices about renewing the earth are you willing to make today child of God?
How do I book to attend a RENEW EARTH Summit?
Click Here To reserve a place.
To register/join a RENEW EARTH group?
Click Here To Register/Join a Group Now!