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What is JHMS 'Heart Of Love' mission work?
HEART OF LOVE is the Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland' mission outreach department that carries out all our local and international outreach & mission initiatives. Through the HOL, we are able to respond to the physical, emotional, practical, psychological & spiritual need of those we support. HOL is the outreach ministry for showing practical love expression of God's Agape LOVE and for letting people know that God loves them and cares about their personally & collectively.

What are the core activities at home and abroad?
Domestic violence awareness campaigns.
Health & Wellness support & packs handout.
Hospitality care pack outreach>
Feeding & food parcels distribution outreach.
Multivitamins support & handout project to the poor.
Medical & dental care outreach in poor areas.
Housing & homelessness action programs overseas.
Slavery, Human trafficking & sex abuse campaigns.
Housing support for the poor and destitute.

Other Vital activities/services:
Managing of the two orphanages of 40 children under our care.
Counselling for traumatised women & children victims of abuse.
Educational initiatives for poor & destitute children overseas.
Academy School project for orphans & disabled children.
JHM orphanage project management overseas.
Administration of the JHM microfinance initiatives overseas.
Church partner affilation & partnerships initiatives abroad.

Urgent Current Project Need:
At Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland we are urgently seeking to raise £265k (GBP) to complete the two buildings housing our orphaned children both at Kothapalli & Veeralankapalli in Andra Pradesh, India as well as for the building of two Girls Academy in Kenya for able body & disabled young girls who otherwise will never gain access to a good quality education or have a chance in life.

These projects are very dear to our hearts and we are urgently seeking committed partners to help us achieve these goals.

Through our HEART OF LOVE mission work, we actively campaign against domestic violence & abuse and the sex trafficking, abuse & exploitation of women in the sex trade. We are also called to feed the hungry, provide healthcare support to the poor and help orphaned & disabled children, the elderly, widows and so many others.


The Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland have been actively ministering since it was registered in 2011 and we do so with a servant attitude, complete humility and with total accountability & integrity. We do so with the support of partners called by the Lord to help us make a difference.

We invite you to join us & partner with us today! Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland is built on the foundation of God's agape LOVE and upon faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Additional Outreach Activities:
Distribution of various care packages.
Children school feeding programs.
Training & retraining initiatives for poor, vulnerable & destitute women overseas.
Distibution of educational books & resources provision to poor childen overseas.
Third world educational facilities support programs.
Sending members, student, interns, volnteers & visitors mission internships overseas.
Helping the most vulnerable in our society.

Interested in Volunteering?
If you are interested in voluteering or being a part of the HEART OR LOVE projects overseas, please email and request for details.
Email: [email protected] or submit an application form by using the the Jannet Hopewell Ministries Scotland link below:
Click Here To Volunteer/partner Now!

How do I donate to JHMS mission work?
To donate a gift of any amount, please click below:

Jannet Hopewell Ministry Scotland-Donation Page

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