


Whats is the multivitamin support project all about?
Vitamins are compounds which are necessary for our normal growth and function, which we cannot make within our bodies, and so we must obtain them from our foods. Most of the compounds needed for our body cells to function for our health, can be made by our cells from other nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients performing hundreds of roles in the body.

What Vitamns do:
They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage. Most people don't need to take vitamin supplements and are able to get all the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a healthy, balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamin C, that your body needs in small amounts to work properly.

What is the problem?
The problem is that poor women and children who do not eat or are not able to afford to eat a balanced diet are nutritionally deficient. Most women from poor and underpriviledged communities cannot afford basic food supply. They often go without food and their choice of food when they can afford to are not directed at nutritionally balanced diets or choice. So, they and their families are frequently malonourished and nutitionally deficient. The consequences are that their immune system falls short and them become ill and susceptible to all sorts of infections, diseases and ailments.

For most poor families living under the bread line, who are employed, starving, having access to nothing, living rough or scratchinga living, help is required both at home and abroad in order to help them live a healthy & abundant life.

Why is there a need for the Vitamins Support Project?
There are many reasons and factors contributing to the vitamin deficiencies in women & children.
Here are some of the reasons:
Poverty: Inability afford to buy good quality, nutritional foods due to lack & poverty. Exhorbitatnt orices of multivitamins bith here in the United Kingdom & overseas. Unemployment, homelessness & destitution. Poor knowledge of nutrition and lack of access to free nutritional advise. No access to free/affordable supply of vitamins from local doctors/hospitals.

What is the cost of the Vitamins Support Project?
Here are some of the examples of the price of vitamin supplements in both India & Africa. In Kenya an average salary is (Ksh 6,498) which is £47, yet a bottle of vitamin will take one third of their monthly income.

Hence one can see why no-one already living in poverty will be able to afford it over above their need to buy food, rent, enter public transport, clothes & other necessities of life. In India the picture is not different as an average monthly income/salary is 13,300 INR = 154.732 and a bottle of Vitamin B12 will cost him/her about £19/Bottle.

International Prices Of Vitamins:
United Kingdom -Bottle of 90 Tablets = £1.00
Kenya: - Bottle of 90 Tablets = £13.50.00
India: - Bottle of 90 Tablets = £19.00
Nigeria: - Bottle of 90 Tablets = £12.50
South Africa: - Bottle of 90 Tablets = £17.00
Zimbabwe:- £12.50/Bottle of 90 pills.

How can I help with the Vitamins Support Project project?
We strongly encourage our partners from all over the world to donate funds for us to buy the multivitamin supplements. The donations will enable regular, monthly shipment of supplies to women & children who are in desperate need of vitamin supplies & supplements in Africa & India.

Here are steps you can take to help:
1. Partners are encouraged to order the TESCO BRAND of safe, high quality Vitamin B12 at a modest, low cost of just £1.00/Bottle and have them shipped/delivered directly to our distribution center at G/1 Peffermill Court, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH16 14AA, United Kingdom.
Click here to buy the vitamins online:
2. Please also consider making a donation towards the onward shipping of the vitamins to UK & overseas destinations. We appreciate your generosity and pray that God will bless you handsomely for helping to look after His vulnerable and malnourished children & women abroad.
3. Your kind donating of just £30GBP will enable us to buy & supply Vitamin B12 (90 Days Supply) to at least 30 women & families in need, anywhere in the world. We appreciate you.

How can I give an offering towards the vitamin project:
Please send your offering to:
Account Name: Jannet Hopewell Ministries Limited
Sort Code: 08-71-99
Account No: 22029290

Give via PayPal:
Please send your offering to:

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